Get your GED NOW and begin the
at The American College in Spain
The GED (General Educational Development) is a High School proficiency test that evaluates 4 areas of the student’s knowledge: Social Studies, Science, English and Mathematics. It consists of a series of 4 tests that once passed demonstrates that the student meets the necessary requirements of a high school education in the United States of America. Once completed, the student will receive a GED diploma.
The GED is an interesting and highly recommended option for those students who have not completed their secondary-level studies and want access to a U.S. university in order to obtain a university degree. Most U.S. universities accept students with a GED diploma. The GED® credential is accepted by over 97% of colleges and employers.
Since May 2017, the new GED test has been available internationally.
Benefits of the new International GED program:
A test that more fully measures critical thinking and reasoning skills, and is aligned with the most current U.S. education standards. Two new scoring levels, College-ready and College-ready + Credit will allow students on the high end of the achievement spectrum to demonstrate their achievements to post-secondary institutions.
New, powerful GED Ready practice tests. GED Ready practice tests are highly predictive of performance on the GED test. Students will also have access to a detailed score report to help with guidance and remediation.
Students have access to an online portal that provides more information about the GED program and allows students to easily register for the exam, check scores and much more.
Easier and quicker access for students for requesting diploma and transcript through
A vast library of free professional development resources for teachers to get ready to prepare students for the new GED test.
A wide spectrum of new digital and print preparation resources from various publishers that are fully aligned with the new GED test.

The American College in Spain is an authorized Pearson- VUE testing center